2025 Educational Scholarship

The Danielle Currid Foundation Scholarship for Girls

This scholarship is intended to honor the life and legacy of Danielle Currid, an Annunciation parishioner and Crestwood resident. Danielle attended Catholic academic institutions from Kindergarten through her MBA. To continue her legacy, and the furtherance of Catholic education, this scholarship will be awarded to one girl graduating from Annunciation School and moving on to a Catholic high school.

Selection of the scholarship recipient is based on academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in school, parish, and community activities, statement of goals and aspiration,s and the appraisals contained in the letters of recommendation. The scholarship will be the equivalent of one year of tuition up to a maximum of $25,000 and paid directly to the Catholic High School for tuition.

The recipient will be announced at Graduation on June 14th.